
One-day-trip with Canadian man

One-day-trip with Canadian man

GAIGO students guided a man,who teaches English

at high school in Canada, to Kagoshima for two days.

One-day-trip with Canadian man

First day, we went to Kirishima by rental car to watch

Kirishima shrine and climb some mountains. At shrine,

we taught him how to pray at the Japanese shrine,

fortune slip and so on. We had a somen, or some cold noodles

at a restaurant which has small falls near it.

It tasted good. And then, Canadian’s suggestion,

we looked around Kirishima Mountains along a maintained path

in order to watch three lakes. They were very lovely,

so he pleased it very much.

One-day-trip with Canadian man

Next day, we saw the Sengan Park. It cost us 1000yen per one.

Too expensive, I think. It was very beautiful yard so we enjoyed it.

At lunch, we had some sushi and it was so good but for me, a little spicy.

The man who was once a cook was satisfied.

One-day-trip with Canadian man

Finally, we took a ferry and walked around esplanade of Sakurajima.

The scenery was very lovely, so we enjoyed it but I’m so tired.

It was very good experience and what was better,

I made a friend with the talkative man.

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One-day-trip with Canadian man