
アメリカ留学 prom, beach, L.A.

Hello, everyone. I am Yosuke. There were three big events last week.

アメリカ留学 prom, beach, L.A.
First, we had a prom party. We ate food and danced on a ship. I enjoyed it, and I made friends with various people.

アメリカ留学 prom, beach, L.A.

The next event, a beach day. I went to the beach with my friends. We swam in the sea and played basketball.

アメリカ留学 prom, beach, L.A.

The last event is a trip to Los Angeles. I went to L.A. in my personal time. I went to a shopping mall in Santa Monika. It was a very big mall, and the prices of clothes were high.

I enjoyed the three days, but I was tired because I had those events in three consecutive days.

Posted by GAiGO at 09:37│Comments(3)
Sounds like you are having a great time there! Enjoy studying and make lots of friends!
Posted by GAiGOGAiGO at 2014年05月20日 18:17
Good afternoon ,

I‘m in the computer class now.

I hear you enjoy your stay.
Posted by はるかはるか at 2014年05月21日 10:16
Hi!Are you having a good time? I can't wait to meet you on September. Take care and enjoy yourself!
Posted by yutakayutaka at 2014年05月21日 11:01

アメリカ留学 prom, beach, L.A.