Being a bus guide!!


2008年11月25日 18:59

I participated in international bus tour
which was orgnaised
by Kagoshima city government as a volunteer bus guide.

It was my secound time to participated in so
I had to lead my junior...

I worked with YO-HEY.
First, I explained the schedule in English and
Yohey translated it into English.

There were 42 people from about 5 countries such as
China, Taiwan, Pakistan, Philippine and so on...
Oh...and of cource KAGOSHIMA, JAPAN!!

I think that most of them were good Japanese speaker....
However, we spoke in English a lot!!
Of cource, it was an international bus tour!!!!

I was just a volunteer staff,
but I tried my best to make all participants fun so
I hope evryone were satisfied by this tour.

When I also participated in this as a guide last year, 
I was not able to translate so much and talk with participants...
However, this year I wasn't so.
I could say what I wanted to say and enjoyed talking with participants a lot!!

Through this experience,
I was able to notice not only my low English-skill but also improvement of my English skill. 

I'm not sure whether I will be a bus guide in my future or not...,
but what I learnt through this experience must be my great confidence.

Lastly, I would like to say thank GAIGO, our teacher Ms.Shimada
and Kagoshima city for giving me such a great experience.

Thank you very much!!!!
